> Industrial Engineering, specialisation in Industrial Organisation, Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering, Vigo.
> PhD in Business Administration and Management, University of Vigo.
Professional experience in business
1997 – 2004. GEFCO (Logistics operator for PSA PEUGEOT-CITROËN). Deputy Manager at the Logistics and Transit Centre in Vigo.
2005 – 2011. ASSYSTEM (Engineering and Innovation Consultancy). Manager for the Automotive Sector in Spain.
Teaching experience in higher education
2004 – 2011. UNIVERSITY OF VIGO. Associate Professor. Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering, Vigo.
2011 – present. UNIVERSITY OF VIGO. Associate Professor. Faculty of Business Science and Tourism, Orense.
Experience in science and technology management in public administration
2009 – 2012. GOVERNMENT OF GALICIA. Manager of the Programme to Promote Business Research and Innovation under the Plan for Innovation and Technological Development in Galicia. General Department for Research, Innovation and Development, Council for the Economy and Industry.